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FSX: Steam Edition - Dangerous Approaches Add-On Full Crack [portable]


About This Content Developed by aviation guru and flight simulation enthusiast Jane Whittaker, Dangerous Approaches is a mission pack consisting of 20 of the most nail-biting approaches in modern aviation. Following routes flown by real-world pilots, accuracy in speed and direction is of the essence.Each mission starts in a default FSX: Steam Edition aircraft picked specifically for each approach, although any aircraft may be used on any of the flights. The flight plans are pre-loaded into the GPS of the aircraft to give you the best chance of landing these approaches.Features20 nail-biting missions ranging from 20 minutes - 3 hours30+ hours of flight time Pre-programmed weather settings varying from sunny skies to blizzards to thunderstorms.Successful landings are recorded in the FSX LogbookFeaturing voiceovers by Angel Heaven LeePlease note that the FSX mission compass has not been included. Most of the approaches included in this mission pack require a very specific route to the airfield and cannot be executed by using a simple arrow point. 1075eedd30 Title: FSX: Steam Edition - Dangerous Approaches Add-OnGenre: SimulationDeveloper:Jane Rachel WhittakerPublisher:Dovetail Games - FlightRelease Date: 11 Feb, 2015 FSX: Steam Edition - Dangerous Approaches Add-On Full Crack [portable] Why we dont have atc ? :(. I didnt recrive atc info on the dangerous approch add on!. As old school reports used to say: "Jane could do better".The idea is good but what do we have here. A product called "Dangerous Approaches". Yol would be forgiven for thinking it was about the landing experience but it is not. Before even getting to try a landing you have to either follow a majenta line for a couple of hours or put on the autopilot and go and have a good dinner until approach time comes. Not that the flights are all bad but sometimes people do not have two hours to spare to practice an approach and with the state of fsx at the moment there is only a 50% chance of lasting that long.The voice overs have obviously been written to be listened to with engine and ambient noises off. No way to fly a plane.I think it must also have been developed with Active Sky Next on Jane's computer as she mentions several times the weather and there is least no buffetting and I have my weather slider full right. If Flybe was landing in the Scottish Islands I am sure the pilots could not handlethe stillness as they are really used to wind.Keep trying Jane as this time the bad outnumbers the good points but I am sure you can do better.. Got this piece of DLC on sale and I still think it is not worth getting even with a discount. I really like the FSX and its missions, that is why I bought this DLC. I did read the reviews and knew this had some flaws, so I waited for a sale. First, let us talk about the positive things: the idea is good; I would really like to fly in and out of dangerous airports. The flight routes are taken from real life flights and usually go over scenic terrain. Now let\u2019s focus on issues.First of all is air traffic control (ATC), as it stands there is no mention in the product description that ATC is missing from all the missions. In user reviews it is pointed out, that ATC is missing and the developer responded by writing own review and stating that ATC is impossible due to limitations of core game engine. It demonstrates that the developer clearly knows that most of users have an issue with ATC not being there and still did not put this critically important information in the product description what makes the product description simply misleading. The ATC either must have been patched out before releasing the DLC either the missions should have been designed in such a way that players would not need this feature and state this information in the product description.Second, the mission compass is missing too. Currently this is mentioned in the product description and if ATC had worked, it would not be an issue. It is mentioned in the description that basically it could not be used for these high precision approaches. It leads me to the main issue: if game engine does not allow proper approach control, then what is the point of this DLC. Some of you might say that real pilots do not have mission markers or sometimes even ATC on these approaches, then I would ask where is the content worth of 16.99 EUR at full price? I could find using Google a dangerous airport and some flights that come in or out of it, program them into a flight plan in free flight mode and have mostly the same experience free of charge.Good narration could reduce need for ATC, but again narration just is not good. The statements by narrator are very basic like \u201cTake off when ready\u201d or \u201cFly towards 13000 feet\u201d and that is all she says. The narration is so quiet that I needed to change my sound settings to even hear it, when this problem does not exist in missions of the original game.What you are left with is a vague text description of how you should fly this mission, which contains a runway number you are supposed to land on if you are lucky. No maps, which would describe the approach path and possibly could substitute missing ATC, mission compass and lackluster narration. The descriptions does not contain information on how long each scenario will take, so when going into a mission you can spend anywhere from 20 minutes up to 3 hours according to product description. At least these are missions, which generate rewards. However, this is a standard feature even for free user made mods available to download from the internet.I really wanted to like this DLC, but it has a minimal amount of effort and content put into it. Almost every aspect you touch just falls apparat. The developers instead of fixing the issues just explain why these cannot be fixed, but at the end of the day these explanations does not make the final product any better or worth more money. You could get the same experience with some Googling and free flight planner. Just do not buy this even if you think \u201cif I don\u2019t like this, I will get a refund\u201d since Steam\u2019s new refund policy covers only first 2 hours of play and some of the scenarios are longer than that. This leads me to the conclusion: do not buy this DLC, even on sale.. Terribe, voice guidance sucks. No ATC so you don't know where to taxi in the airports starting off. No guidance during the flights, just you and your GPS. Angel Heaven Lee basically just tells you to take off. You don't know what altitudes to fly because of no ATC. The first mission I done, Angel Heaven Lee told me to take off. Which I did, I then followed the GPS to the airport, didn't know what runway to land on and after I did land on a random runway, the mission was still running. It did not end. No acheivement. All you're paying for is flight plans that are loaded into the GPS and a voice which gives no real help at all.. I was not impressed with the Missions in this add-on. First there is not much voice activity at all, usually says "Takeoff and follow the flightplan", that is it. Second, the approaches that are in the flight plans don't even follow the actual published approaches for the airport. It would have been so easy just to make add the actual approach in the flight plan using STAR's, approach plates, etc. Thirdly, providing approach plates would be helpful. Lastly, for $16.99 I would expect a better product, I have one mission that I can't even start because it starts me on a building and "crashes". Second guessing downloading any more Steam Add-ons!


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