About This Game Stats (September 25th 2017) Word count: 216,000 words Number of CGs: 85 (plus variations of several) Number of sprites: 32 (mostly minor characters) 31 original music tracks, + 9 CCA-by tracks Summary/Plot Sickness is a Visual Novel following the life of Suoh, a high school student turned violent criminal. Following the deaths of his parents, Suoh is left without a home or source of income. All he has is his twin sister, Sara, who he promises to provide for, even if doing so means throwing his life away. Using the entirety of their savings, the two move to another city, wherein Suoh quickly finds work. Sara commutes to her old school, Suoh works long, physically-demanding hours, and the two survive off instant food, barely scraping by. It isn't a happy life, but they make it work. Or at least they did, until a violent outburst set into motion a rapid descent. Amid a physical altercation with his boss, Suoh blacks out, waking up to find a corpse laying at his feet. His knuckles bloody, his muscles aching, he realizes that he has just murdered his boss, the person responsible for his continued well-being. But rather than lament the loss of life, all Suoh can think of is how badly he needed the money, and what he'll do next to get it. Drawn by the scent of blood, one of Suoh's coworkers, a young man with criminal connections, offers him a not so legal revenue stream, one encouraging violent behavior and rewarding the capable. And from there, everything spirals out of control. As it turns out, Suoh has a knack for crime, and the petty reservations he had about such acts don't last long. For the well-being of his sister, as well as his own self-interest, he becomes a killer for hire, taking out people anybody his new boss tells him to. He quickly adapts to life as a killer, adopting a double life his sister can never know about. But his new life is not without trouble. Facing death on a weekly basis is only the beginning; between avoiding police detection, eyewitnesses, and even the malice of his fellow professional killers, Suoh's new life looks to be the death of him. Will Suoh manage to survive long enough to keep his promise to his sister? Will he turn tail and escape from this life of crime, finding solace in the company of someone or something else? Or will he be hunted down and killed before he ever gets the chance? Main Characters Sara Tesla - Suoh's twin sister Sara is a high school student who harbors complex feelings. To her brother, Sara is an angelic sister with a loving nature and endless affection; an image she cultivates and builds on daily. To everyone else, however, Sara is narcissistic and thoroughly two-faced. Family aside, Sara doesn't care for other people in the slightest, and as a result of her desperately trying to hide this fact, her family mistakenly believe Sara to be bipolar. Karasu - An up and coming crimelord Karasu builds his wealth through a variety of "services", including, but not limited to, gambling, corporate espionage, and organ trafficking. Above all, however, Karasu is most famous for providing "waste disposal" for neighboring towns, whether they request his services or not. His ultimate goal is to build an empire he can share with his beloved "children"; interesting individuals he has taken under his wing and granted a new lease on life. Though many view him as a sadistic narcissist who will stop at nothing to obtain what he wants, Karasu is ultimately a simple businessman who displays affection only for a chosen few. Sai - Karasu's right-hand man Sai is Karasu's most trusted and capable employee, responsible for overseeing his most lucrative business ventures, despite always working in the shadows. He is also responsible for “breaking in” new recruits, and as such becomes Suoh's teacher. Unrivaled in what he does, Sai is a ruthless killer who feels no remorse; those who get on his bad side seldom live long enough to realize it. The only things more important to Sai than his work are his daughter's well-being and happiness. Misa - Sai's daughter Misa is a teenage girl who wishes for a normal life. Being the daughter of a professional killer (and protective father), however, Misa has trained from a young age in order to protect herself from the dangers of the world, and in doing so inevitably became aware of her father's line of work. As her father's work absorbed her life, Misa adapted her skillset to match those of a killer, using her youth and small figure to become the youngest and most discreet killer among her peers. Outside of work, Misa is still just a young girl. She's very friendly, once she warms up to someone, and is protective of those close to her. 7aa9394dea Title: SicknessGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:ZetsubouPublisher:Unwonted StudiosRelease Date: 20 Jan, 2016 Sickness Full Crack [Torrent] The story mainly told throughout this Visual novel is dark, disgusting, and vile. To me, the macabre events put this on par with popular horror VNs like Saya no Uta. I haven't completed the game yet, but I think I have a pretty firm grasp of the storyline so far. The grim tale told throughout involves despicable, inhumane acts that made even me feel a bit shocked.The game throws all of these things at you without any warning or mercy. It all holds a touch of realism, however, which makes it all the scarier. Many of the characters are immoral, none more so than the protagonist himself. None of the characters are infallible, and that is shown quite early on. Death is often meaningless and quick as a flash, often without warning. This all adds to the grim reality that the story paints. Crime often goes on without any repercussions, and the rich can get away with just about anything they want. Meanwhile, the protagonist and his sister go through a series of life changing events and by the time the story starts, the protag is desperate to keep his sister from living a life of poverty and cruelty. The stress eventually gets to him and his boss is the one to finally drive him off the deep end. As the story unfolds, it follows the MC's descent into madness and a life of inescapable crime. The art is alright, but the character designs leave something to be desired, considering many of the men look like girls, one of whom is the crime lord the protag works under. Other than that, its passable and does not take away from the story. The writing is pretty good so far, and I have not experienced any typos whatsoever. Sometimes the writing seems a bit amateurish though. Some of the sentences suffer from awkward wording, but its probably just a nitpick. The game does have one problem that I just can't get around, even if it is just my personal opinion. At first, the protagonist seems to have some moral values, but he eventually just throws that out the window, completely contradicting most of his earlier actions. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but for me it was a major dealbreaker. It made me hate the protagonist beyond belief because his actions seem nonsensical and ridiculous. I could attribute it to his loss of sanity, but as far as I know, its completely unavoidable. To me, it seems out of character and made me lose any type of sympathy for him. Either way I say pick this one up. The writing and story definitely make up for the unlikeable protagonist. The story is very gripping and holds quite a bit of tension at some points. I can say with absolute certainty that this visual novel is worth the price for me and makes for a nice break from all the Slice Of Life visual novels that have been coming out lately.. 80% crap fell asleep playing this game, most mundane mind numbing game\/story. I just wanted a good quirky story could get hooked on and actualy care about the outcome, did not get that at all.. This game was really enjoyable and I like it a lot. The art is nice, its smooth to look at, while the CGs goes in contrast with a more rough lines. That actually fits when its time to kill. The music is good, fits the atmosphere and add to the mood. Escpacially when it starts to stress up, it really plays with the emotions, and you start to worry as the main character does.The story is intressting, and the choices matters, and alter the the way it goes, which makes it a reason to try other alternativs and play it more than once. Also its fun to make choices when the kills are about to be executed. You are a part of how well it goes to an extent. The text is well written, and the language is easy to read, good gramma, and does not repeat itself very often, variety in word choices. Which prevent you to get tired of it and keep reading.Also the balance between his job and family is very good, and never gets boring. The characters are likeable, funny, and alive. No one has a flat personality. And I really like Karasu .. lol, its a shame that there is no CG of him .. and his pretty hair. Haha. Sai on other hand, he is more smooth, but in the CG:s, he looks older and the cheek bones are well defined and he looks more dangerous. When its just the model, then he does not have those features. :S The artists should have drawn that similar at least. Other things that could be improved, is the muder scenes, they are well drawn, but many of them are from the same angle, with Souh ( The main character ) having his knife at someones throat or back and has the some zoom close up. ( Although Souh is very good looking in those pictures, heee.)Even if the story is very well writtien, still sometimes can there be a little holes between the events. Not that it disturbs that much, since it mostly whole and captivating. And perhaps normal that there is no need to think about the past, when it wont haunt you to the present, move on; and focus. But the first victim by his hands, disappears entirely, no news, nor cops. The boss of a company vanish as do two of his employeese. If that does not sounds suspicious to the cops, then what the hell are they doing!? There is no description of how it was burid over, and that gnawed at me through out the game..While I really like brutal scenes and violence, that was really an attractive aspect of this game. But its fictional deaths and blood. I do not like this sort of things when it happens in reality. And that is the creepy part, while its not nessecary to reflect upon on a philosophical degree, as you can enjoy it as just a story as it is. Still, this game made me think of how the socity can shape murders. The failure in grasping the ones that fall, instead ignoring them. The fallen ones may comeback in brute force in ''revenge'', due to negelect, desperation, and the suffering are those, like us, sitting at the computer and thinking. Only because the socity is damn flawed ... The law that prohibited muder, shaped a killer. Then who is the real crimminal? The one who did not care or the desperat? This does not apply to all crimminals etc etc, still ... its a food for thought. ( At least for me )Also that this game makes me sympthies a little for Souh, even if he is a assassin, this game made me more angry at the idiots from his old school, and as he thinks, they beg for to be sliced open. Shaping a killer as I mentioned, still their deeds, as much as I hate them, they are particular harmless compared to Souh's. Or maybe a part of Souh's crimes ... indirect. The author did put in this very well, to give it such an effect.The creators or their creation, which holds the true responsibility? Still, no matter, there is no good excuse to commit crime! NEVER! Whether the reason, and whos fault ... Its horrible that this is happening in real life .... And its a pity that no matter what I say, it does not change a thing ...I recommend this game, for the story, that made me sit up late at night. If you like brutal storys and VN:s, since that was that what caught me. If you are paranoid, then ... maybe not, since its kind of creepy to think that someone might break in to ones house .. due whatever reason. Or that a knife might greet one through the heart. Haha.Since sadly it does happen.........................................................10\/10, there is no need to think, just read and enjoy. Or both, since that was I did. Since its a fictional story after all. So please reality, keep it fictional.:). Welp, 16 hours on record and I've already seen the most recent (and final) update by the dev. Gonna play probably a bit more to get those missing CGs. Bought this game on a pretty much day one last year (26 January, I just checked) and I waited this long to play it. Is it worth it? I believe so.I don't know what is it about this VN that it completely managed captured my full attention from the get-go. Usually when I read VN in general, I easily got distracted by literally just anything and I found myself either alt-tabbing a lot or put it on windowed mode and check Reddit or something real quick before got back to it. Maybe because it's quite different than the stuff I've usually read, and looking back at it, the last time I read something similar to this was only with Kara no Shoujo and Sound of Drop -fall into poison-. There's the most recent case with The Letter but I really have no idea what it's all about (it's still on my wishlist) and I want to keep it that way so that I won't spoil myself. Excluding Higurashi since I've already seen the anime and not planning to read it until they release all the part here on Steam, there's Umineko on my library which holds some potential, that and The House in Fata Morgana too (again, I didn't read the synopsis or anything. Going blind is always the best).Anyway enough about that, let's talk about the game itself. Just a fair warning that there is some incest in this game so if that is not your cup of tea, well, might want to just skip this game. With that said, I really appreciated the fact that the developer kept adding new content with each update, and with the most recent update they added one last route to the game. As the other reviewer said, there's obviously some inspiration taken from Dexter (leading double life, sister plays important role in the story, story hinting toward his own "dark passenger" or sickness as the MC called it) and since Dexter is one of my favorite show, I just smiled when I noticed it the first time around during my read. Now despite being called Sickness, the VN itself isn't about explaining the sickness itself, but rather how the MC deal with it and how it affect his judgement and the people around him. And I keep expecting his sickness to take over (kinda like a momentary lapse or blackout, losing track of time etc) but thankfully that never happen. Another thing I almost forgot to mention is that you get to play a certain's character route after beating the story and boy this was my favorite part right here. It's just so... different that I was like "what, really? That's what she thought at that time?" And now onto the bad part. I feel like the second half of the VN is a bit... rushed out? As there's quite a bit of inconsistency with some characters and there's a lot of time skip too. And this resulted in the conclusion that may be a bit underwhelming at times. Kinda hard to explain it without spoiling the story, really. But even with all of that I can safely say that I enjoyed it and I ended up buying some trading cards just to get it to lvl 4 hehe.Funny story, I got so heavily invested on one route (you can check the Steam discussion for this) that I was shocked to find a bug at the ending of that route. It spoils another character that I have never seen nor mentioned up until that point. And I believed I spent quite some time on google on how to fix this bug and all that search led me to just rollback to the previous version of the game. So I did all that and voila! I can get pass the bug and finally see the ending. Being the nice guy that I am, I thought it would be a good idea to share the temporary fix to this problem so that people won't get stuck at the same place, and I did just that and post my the fix on the discussion. The next morning, I woke up and to my amazement I saw some people reply back! Only to find out that the dev posted the fix to this bug just a couple hours after my attempt at fixing it. I'd be lying if I say I didn't cry a little there.. When I first looked at this my initial impression was the overall look was pretty lackluster even for Visual novels. That said The premise was interesting enough for me to instabuy it when I saw it.Was it worth it? Hell yeah.The Characters all have faults, motivations, and believable backstories. Evil people aren't evil just for the sake of being evil - though sometimes thier motivations make you cringe, they are still believable.And that's actually the one thing I could mention as a con for some people. This game has some dark elements to it which is to be expected if you read the description but many characters in here including the main character have traits you will not like. I think it makes the story better, but you may feel it is simply too dark.There is some good replayiblity here. I think I got the best ending but there are plenty of scenes I have yet to unlock, so I know there is a lot I am missing.This isn't a scary game - it's a psychologically dark one.. Hmm... honestly I don't like this one. It's got fast story pacing and action elements, but the gal-game side doesn't get along too well with these action elements (except one route, obviously). This gives us a story of a lot of action elements and slice-of-life gal-game elements mixing together, making the story a little bit weird.Also, as the title suggests, the story is about the protagonist's "Sickness", but it didn't actually touch the dark side of that part, instead it slided behind the romance elements later and just disappeared...Nevertheless, I do think the atmosphere of this VN isn't bad, and the stories and dialogues are sort of well-written..... Misa best girl
Sickness Full Crack [Torrent]